
3 Simple Motivation Tips

Your motivation always starts from the same place.
You can’t do great work unless you love what you do. It’s this love that drives your actions.
Look back at all the projects you were proud of finishing. You’ll notice the underlying theme of love behind all of them.
Once you understand how your emotions trigger your motivation you will get a better grasp on your productivity.
Here are 3 simple motivation tips that everyone should be applying to their work day.

1. Care About What You Are Doing

If you don’t care about the results you create then either figure out a way to care or find something that you do care about. You may have 5 cups of coffee pumping through you and your energy level is off the charts, but you are still avoiding your work then you simply have a caring problem.
When I’ve felt a lack of caring I always write a “bird’s eye view” list. That means stepping back and looking at how your work is affecting people.
For example if you work in the HR department and feel totally unmotivated then make this list.
My work helps…(List people’s names and why your work matters to them.)
1. Tom – Claim all his health benefits.
2. Samantha – Be someone that she can talk to about her co-workers.
3. Amy – Able to share my career advice so she understand her role in the company.
You should see a shift in your attitude very quickly.

2. Start Slow

Many times people don’t know where to start on a big project. All they see is this big mess of work and they procrastinate.
We all do this.
When this happens pick the easiest task you can out of this mountain of work and break it down into small segments. Even if the task should only take an hour, break down the task into three parts.
You’ll see how easy it will be to get started. Everyone can work for just 20 minutes. Once you get started you’ll start to see progress, causing your mindset to shift and make you believe it’s possible to get your project done.
1. Make a list of projects you need to do.
2. Break down each project into 20 – 30 minute segments.
3. Get started on the easiest and most fun task.
Once you get moving it’s a lot easier to keep the momentum going.

3. Appreciate Your Hard Work

How often do you take time to reflect on your hard work?
I’m not talking about going out for happy hour after finishing a big project. Although that’s fun too. I’m talking about appreciating the hard work that you put into a project whether it was a success or not.
When you praise yourself for your hard work, you are teaching yourself to appreciate the energy behind the work, not just the results. If you can make this shift in your mindset it’s going to be so much easier to motivate yourself no matter what the outcome happens to be.
1. Keep an appreciation journal.
2. Every time you worked hard on a project write it in your journal.
3. How did the hard work make you feel.
By taking the time to appreciate your hard work you’ll start to rewire your brain and let go of unmotivating goals. You’ll bring the focus back to enjoying the journey of your work.
Core Motivation
Your core motivation all starts by using the above three tips. Once you shift your mindset you’ll begin to see results that will make you so happy you’ll want to dance on your desk. That’s at least what happened to me when I made this mindset shift.
Your Turn
What is your biggest struggle with motivation?

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